giovedì 20 febbraio 2020

Religions of the world

Diverso tempo fa mi imbattei in una t-shirt molto spiritosa,che però non comprai perchè sicura che l'avrei indossata praticamente mai,però mi sembrava che valesse la pena condividere una simile perla.

taoism: shit happens
hinduism: this shit happened before
islam: if shit happens,take a hostage
buddism: when shit happens,is it really shit?
7th day adventist: shit happens on Saturday
protestantism: shit won't happen if I work harder
catholicism: if shit happens I deserve it
jehova's witness: knock knock, "shit happens"
judaism: why does shit always happen to me?
hare kirshna: shit happens rama rama ding dong
atheism: no shit
t.v. evangelism: send more shit
rastafarianism: let's smoke that shit

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